If you have a fear of ALL snakes, take your vacation or better yet think about moving to Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, New Zealand or the Falkland Islands. Snakes are nonexistent there.

If you are okay with snakes in general, but apprehensive when you see one in the wild for fear it is poisonous, the Caribbean Islands and the islands located in the Pacific Ocean are good choices for you. They do not have venomous snakes on land, but there are poisonous sea snakes just off land areas located in equatorial waters. Another place to visit or move to is Madagascar. Ninety species of snakes have been identified in this country. Even though a small number of these are venomous, they are harmless to people due to the arrangement of their fangs. If you want to live or visit the United States, Alaska is venomous snake free and Hawaii has no native land poisonous snakes.

Australia has more venomous snakes than any place in the world and is home to nine of the top ten. It is the only continent with more venomous snakes than nonvenomous. So, if you have a fear of snakes, especially venomous ones, stay in the densely populated areas when visiting Australia.

The most venomous snake in the world is the inland taipan found in Australia. Because it lives in sparsely populated areas, it seldom comes in contact with people. Since the 1980s, the inland taipan has been called by many the fierce snake because of its powerful venom. The average length of the inland taipan ranges from five to a little over 8 feet. The female’s diet and amount of food available play a large part in her reproduction rate. After mating, she selects an abandoned animal burrow or a deep crevice in which to lay her one to two dozen eggs. They hatch in approximately two months.

One of the world’s deadliest snakes holds the honor of being the fastest land snake in the world and the second longest snake in the world. It is Africa’s black mamba. You can find black mambas in rock crevices, burrows, abandoned termite mounds and hollow trees. They like the low, open woodlands of South and East Aricia. During daylight hours they hunt for food or relax in trees enjoying the warmth from the sun. If you spot one, there might be others near. They have been seen traveling in pairs or small groups. Mating session for the black mamba is spring and summer. The female will lay 6 to 25 eggs at one time. She leaves them in a damp, warm burrow to never be seen by her again. After about three months they hatch and fend for themselves. The babies are between 16 and 24 inches long. When full-grown, they are 8 to 14 feet long and live up to 11 years in the wild.

North America has over 20 species of venomous snakes. Forty-nine of the 50 states have at least one venomous snake. Hawaii has no land venomous snakes.  It is extremely rare to see a yellow-bellied sea snake, which is highly poisonous, in the waters along Hawaii’s coast, but they have been spotted a few times. Alaska has no venomous snakes. The snake most feared in North America is the cottonmouth. It is the only semiaquatic viper in the world. It is a very strong swimmer and is found in and around waters across the Southeastern United States. The Cottonmouth snake mates once a year in the Spring. After three or four months, the eggs hatch inside the female and she gives birth to as many as 16 venomous juveniles. The juveniles range from 8 to 14 inches long.

Snakes, including venomous ones, are not aggressive unless provoked. If you know you are walking in an area where they live, keep a look out for them. If you avoid them, they will avoid you.


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