1in x 1in Official Geocache Micro Cache Stickers Decals Geocachi



At StickeTalk we love trudging through the woods looking for these little jewels.  Something we rarely see is “Official Geocache” stickers on bison tubes, pill bottles, film canisters or anything small.  It’s something that helps the searcher out when they finally find the hidden item.  Also, if that muggle happens across it, maybe they will leave it there.  There are 15 of these stickers on a 5in x 3in sheet.  These Geocache Micro Cache Stickers are 1″ (25mm) in width and height, they fit easily on the lid of the film canister or pill bottle. These are made for the outdoors, so they will last in the harsh environments we like to place these in.

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SKU: D-30-41 Category:
geocache micro cache stickers
1in x 1in Official Geocache Micro Cache Stickers Decals Geocachi

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