6in x 6in Precauci³n Puerta Autom¡tica Sticker


6in x 6in (152.4mm x 152.4mm) Precaución Puerta Automática Sticker

Precaución Puerta Automática Sticker Description:

This circular sticker is 6 inches wide by 6 inches tall when applied.  The sticker is yellow with a thick, black bar that contains the word, PRECAUCIÓN, in yellow letters.  The word, PUERTA, is printed in black letters above the bar, and the word, AUTOMÁTICA, is printed in black letters below the bar.  This quality-made product is durable and easily visible, making it ideal for use in nearly any setting!

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Precaución Puerta Automática Sticker
6in x 6in Precauci³n Puerta Autom¡tica Sticker

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