United We Stand: StickerTalk’s I Stand American Flag Sticker
For centuries, the Stars and Stripes have flown over our wonderfully diverse nation. From the Battle of Yorktown to Desert Storm and Gettysburg to 9/11, the American flag has united countrymen of varying religions, ethnicities, and creeds under a common cause: the preservation and expansion of liberty. In spite of the catastrophic effects of both military and political conflicts, America has never lowered her colors in defeat or cowardice and continues to shine as a beacon of hope in a bleak world. However, our flag and anthem have recently become the epicenter of a nationwide controversy as hundreds of professional athletes refuse to stand for the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” in protest of unjust social stigmas. For many sports fans, this unorthodox demonstration caused an acute sensation of discontent; the athletes’ organized outcry bespoke little respect for these symbols of our great nation. In response to this political controversy, the talented design team at StickerTalk created the I Stand American Flag Sticker. Decorated with the red, white, and blue of the American flag, this carefully crafted product bears a powerful proclamation of patriotism. By displaying an I Stand American Flag Sticker on your vehicle, cup or tumbler, tablet, or any other hard, flat surface, you continue the rich tradition of loyalty that has defined the United States of America since the birth of our great nation, proving that this emblem of unity cannot be warped into an agent of division.