Would you like to improve your skills at school and/or work? There is one thing you can do that will enhance several beneficial qualities at the same time. See if you can guess what it is.

This activity helps people to train their eyes to pick out slight differences in colors and shapes. They have developed the crucial skill of paying attention to small details. When this skill is developed, the quality of work improves.

When this activity is being done, the brain goes from a state of wakeful (Beta) to a state of dreaming (Alpha). The benefit is a person’s stress level is lowered. Doing this activity is a great stress-releaser.

The amount of dopamine (a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and feelings of optimism) the brain produces increases when this activity is being done. Dopamine also affects memory, concentration, and motivation, all qualities necessary to function successfully and are developed with this activity.

                Surgeons, artists, engineers, architects, and chemists are just some of the occupations that use visual-spatial reasoning. (Visual-spatial reasoning is when people can easily visualize objects, plans, and outcomes in their mind by looking at a map, image, picture, and colors.) Everyone can benefit when this skill is improved. For example, it helps drivers when parking and switching lanes. It enables people to figure out how many items can fit in a box, a suitcase, the trunk of a car, and even how to get the most objects into the space in a moving van. It is a skill that is used when reading a map. Visual-spatial reasoning is improved with this activity.

                Problem-solving is a skill when developed makes all aspects of life better. When a problem surfaces, stepping back and trying a different approach is necessary. Problem-solving takes patience because a lot of trial and error is involved. It might require a change in perspective. This skill makes people innovative and adaptable and is developed with this activity.

                When this activity is done, mental speed and thought processes improve as well as short-term memory. Short-term memory is necessary to remember shapes and colors and to visually see the outcome. These are excellent skills to develop for school and/or work.

                Have you guessed what the activity is? If you are not sure, here is some history about it. Its origin dates to the 1760s. It was popular during the Great Depression of 1929 because it allowed people to escape the troubles the depression had brought about and enabled them to, when they did this activity, feel a sense of accomplishment. (A great advantage for those who were unemployed and depressed.) Retail stores gave this activity away when someone purchased a toothbrush, a flashlight, or one of hundreds of other advertised products. In 1932, this activity could be purchased every Wednesday for 25 cents at the corner news stand. It was something most households looked forward to purchasing and completing the activity before others did. Also, during the 1930s, this activity could be rented from drugstores and circulating libraries for from 3 cents to 10 cents a day.

                The activity is the JIGSAW PUZZLE, an activity for all ages. Why not put one together today!




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